In addition to lap time and average speed, LTS provides well over 100 outputs at
up to 2000 locations around the track. Outputs include those analogous to
on-board instrumentation as well as many vehicle parameters which cannot be
directly measured on a real vehicle.
Outputs at each point on the track include:
Vehicle speed, accelerations and orientations
Wheel displacements, shock (damper) forces
Wheel steer angles, slip angles, inclination angles, rotational speeds
Aerodynamic outputs (forces, moments, apparent wind angle)
Tire forces and moments
Engine power, rpm, transmission gear
Local track conditions: bank, grade, elevation, surface friction
Usage Parameters--useful to tell if the front, rear or power are limiting
To view the output list from the LTS User's Manual click
Output from LTS is available in several forms:
ASCII text file
Spreadsheet Import Files
Pi V6 Software* output files (for use with Pi's "Import Data" feature)
Competition Data System's TrackMaster* format (no "import" required)
*Pi V6 Software is a registered trademark of Pi Research Ltd.
*TrackMaster is a registered trademark of Competition Data Systems, Inc.
LTS also has its own Windows-based plot program, Lap Time Graph (LTG). This
utility plots LTS output against distance, time or location around the race
course. Sample plots are shown below. The LTG program contains approximately 45
plots, many with multiple traces.
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